Available Versions

Available Versions To Suit Your Specific Needs

The Oh Norman™ Series is very successful, as they can be implemented in the specific way you want, not how the provider wants it!

  • Generic version (Oh Norman™ Modules from the shelf)
  • Customer adapted version (Customer specific logo, terminology / language and examples may be integrated into all Oh Norman™ Modules as a no cost option – please contact us for specifics)
  • Fully customized version (customer specific video & booklets – please contact us for specifics)
  • Oh Norman™ Series for non-English Speakers (Providing Sales Staff or Management/CEO’s a “Business English Training” with our Generic Version)

Available Modules / Languages:

(EN=English, DE=German, FR=French, ES=Spanish, IT=Italian, NL=Dutch, RU=Russian, CH=Chinese); please ask for other languages.

Title In HardwareTraining mode
available languagesliveonline
Module 1: Fundamental Selling SkillsEN, DE, FR, ES, IT, NL, RU, CHV 
Assessment Test Module 1: Fundamental Selling SkillsEN, DE, FR, ES, NL, IT       V
Module 2: Advanced Selling SkillsEN, DE, FR, ITV 
Module In-House-Sales / Communicationon request EN, DEV 
Module 3: Selling to Different Customer BehaviorsEN, DE, ITV 
Coaching Oh Norman 1: for managersEN, DEV 
Coaching Oh Norman 1: for sales peopleEN, DEV 
Module 4: Fundamental Negotiation SkillsEN, DEV 
Module 5: Team Selling Skills2019  
Coaching Oh Norman 2: for managers / sales peopleon request  
Module 6: Advanced Team Selling Skills2019  

All other languages please contact us!

Please check for availability and future releases with your local Global Partners distributor or contact: info(at)gpa-us.com or office(at)gpocs.com