Our Training Philosophy …
The Design
The Oh Norman™ Series is very successful, because we bring years of experience in research and analysis to your organization.
Our modules consist of:
- Session booklets / Wallcharts for main skill-models
- Extensive video segments and leader's guide supporting the manager or trainer
- "Oh Norman™ Diary” – book as supportive reading material and Electronic Mindjoggers
- On-line skill assessment tools available (Module 1 & 2)
Our Oh Norman™ philosophy includes the following design elements:
- Our Modules focus on the core competency of Sales Skills
- All Modules consist of independent Sessions
- Our Module design is attractive, pragmatic and simple to facilitate by your accredited internal trainer, manager or by a GPA trainer (by request)
The Results
The Training Philosophy of Global Partners & Associates with an on-going training and development process and curriculum supplies your organization with tools and strategies to help achieve your personal as well as your business objectives and needs.
The picture shows an actual scene with our fictional sales person “Norman Getit” and his customer “John Thorow” from our Module 1.